About Us
My name is Lauren Brown and I'm a native of New Orleans who just
happens to be a huge fan of Mr. Bingle! There was always something
magical about him and I do believe he touched the lives of many
children some of whom are all grown up today, well maybe. I now
live on the Northshore in Covington and here are a couple of pics
of me as a silly lil' kid many moons ago.

This is me about 2 years. Someone came around
with a pony, taking pics. This was in the Irish Channel, New
Here I am at about 3, with my camera. "Smile"
I want to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who helped me to
make this site possible!! I know I really bugged some people in
the process : )
Angela Bradley (my designer) Diva Hosting
without her it would have been impossible! Thanks!
Mr. Harold Crane
Paul Yacich
Errol Laborde
Chris Granger
Liz Scott Monaghan
Bob Walker
Holly Clegg
Ronnie Virgets
Elayne Kuehler
WYES TV New Orleans and Al Shea
New Orleans Magazine
And many others who sent me lots of great info and
photos! Thanks a bunchies!